Name and address of the responsible party:
Fachverband der Container-Packbetriebe
Afrikastraße 2
20457 Hamburg
Chairman: Thomas Wolnewitsch
1st deputy: Thomas Friede
2nd deputy: Ingo Grunwald
1st assessor: Bernd Themann
2nd assesor: Peter Osse
Tel. +49 40 780426-0
Fax +49 40 780426-179
Responsible for the content: Thomas Wolnewitsch
Please refer to our imprint in German.
Picture Copyright:
Home: Panorama eines Container Terminals bei Sonnenuntergang, stock.adobe | Jonas Weinitschke
@work: Hamburg, stock.adobe | powell83
Mitglieder: Containerschiffe am Burchardkai, stock.adobe | Thorben
Kontakt: Hamburg, stock.adobe | powell83
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